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POPPY: meanings, stories, myths, symbologies

what is the meaning of a poppy tattoo? the mythology with the poppy has really indulged itself, perhaps because it is red and goliardic and attracts so much attention, whether you want it or not and so the wireless telephone […]


this mini article is a compendium of the meanings contained and hidden in the images   in the column "PSICO DESIGN - the psychology of drawings" I face the meaning and symbolism of things from a perhaps legendary or perhaps [...]

: Psico Design ep. 41 : KINTSUGI

KINTSUGI, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the KINTSUGI from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 40 : THE PATH OF BRUSH

THE PATH OF BRUSH, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the PATH OF BRUSH from a mythical […]

: Psico Design ep. 39 : PATTERN

PATTERN, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the PATTERN from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 38 : FOX

FOX, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the FOX from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 37 : GOLDEN SECTION

GOLDEN SECTION, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the GOLDEN SECTION from a mythical or primordial point […]

: Psico Design ep. 36 : BUTTERCUP

BUTTERCUP, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the BUTTERCUP from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 35 : POLAROID

POLAROID, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the POLAROID from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 34 : PLANTAIN

PLANTAIN, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the PLANTAIN from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 33 : POPPY POD

POPPY POD, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the POPPY POD from a mythical or primordial point […]

: Psico Design ep. 32 : CUBES

CUBES, the hidden meaning in a tattoo  in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the CUBES from a mythical or primordial point of view, to […]

: Psico Design ep. 31 : EUCALYPTUS

EUCALYPTUS, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the EUCALYPTUS from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 29 : TIGER

TIGER, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the TIGER from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 28 : FEATHER

FEATHER, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the FEATHER from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 27 : DAISY

DAISY, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the DAISY from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 26 : LOTUS FLOWER

LOTUS FLOWER, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the LOTUS FLOWER from a mythical or primordial point […]

: Psico Design ep. 25 : TEARS

TEARS, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the TEARS from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 24 : ROSE

ROSE, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the ROSE from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 23 : CARDO

THISTLE, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the THISTLE from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 22 : GEISHA

GEISHA, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the GEISHA from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 21 : CACTUS

CACTUS, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the CACTUS from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 20 : ANEMONE

ANEMONE, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the ANEMONE from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 19 : LAVENDER

LAVENDER, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the LAVENDER from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 18 : SKULL

SKULL, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the SKULL from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 17 : DANDELION

DANDELION, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the DANDELION from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 16 : FERN

FERN, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the FERN from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 15 : LACE

LACE, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the LACE from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 14 : WEEDS

WEEDS, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the WEEDS from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 13 : GINKO BILOBA

GINKO BILOBA, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the GINKO BILOBA from a mythical or primordial point […]

: Psico Design ep. 12 : YELLOW

YELLOW, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the YELLOW from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 11 : POLKA DOT

POLKA DOT, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the POLKA DOT from a mythical or primordial point […]

: Psico Design ep. 10 : THE HAND

adding a hand to a drawing can talk to us in two different ways it’s on us to decide how to make it talk, based on the structure that we will give to the drawing or on the movement that […]

: Psico Design ep. 9 : LETTERING

LETTERING, the hidden meaning in a tattoo    in this short article of the section “PSICO DESIGN – the psychology of the drawings” we address the meaning and symbolism of the LETTERING from a mythical or primordial point of view, […]

: Psico Design ep. 8 : STONE BALANCING

Stone balancing is an ancient and millenary art in which stones are joined on top of one another in a stunning statuary structure. It leads to the balance of contrasting forces having different weights and opposed to each other.   […]

: Psico Design ep. 6 : INK STAINS

ink stains get things dirty   they leave a stain on that idea of perfection that we long for so much they leave a stain on our imperfect life, to remind us that we’re human that we are not perfect […]

: Psico Design ep. 7 : THE DRAGONFLY

is a small, cute, light and transparent insect   it’s one of the few insects that belong to the eligible subjects of a tattoo, together with butterflies and beetles, perhaps a ladybug   we live in a world inhabited by […]

: Psico Design ep. 3 : PAPER PLANE

the paper plane tells us about dreams and desires and about an infinite resilience, the purest and most genuine of all   the resilience of a child who learns with his dad to fold a piece of paper from one […]

: Psico Design ep. 2 : PAPER BOAT

the paper boat is sometimes associated to childhood   it brings us back to that moment in which we learnt to make it, with our father or grandfather in the greatest moments of boredom, they would take out a piece […]

: Psico Design ep. 4 : COSMOS

are wildflowers sometimes they’re smaller, sometimes bigger they can be pink, white, blue, orange, magenta…   even though nowadays it’s a species that can be bought in a flower shop, they were born as wildflowers   they were born on […]

: Psico Design ep. 5 : CUMIN

is a small white wildflower, which we are very used to see around us, but it always goes unnoticed   we don’t recognize the flower but we know very well what cumin is   cumin is a spice a very […]

POPPY: the flower of the Revolution

the strongest meaning of the poppy is linked to the revolution and Italians do it better…. ^_^ and even Netflix with “La Casa del Papel” or “The Money Heist” have to come to Italy to draw on our revolutionary blood […]

: Psico Design ep. 1 : THE CROWN

this ancient object —so sacred to Kings and Queens— has always been the most desired decoration   it’s the symbol of a right acquired at birth, but also the symbol of a great achievement it’s the symbol of a different […]

: The Poppy Revolution : ep.0 by LadySara

Here the index book >>> Why a poppy? And from now onwards I will tell you why this flower is so important to me… : episode n.0:  #why   I was born and raised in a bookstore and, for most of […]

CHILDHOOD: a meaning of a poppy

if I say PAPAVERO – which is the equivalent of POPPY in Italian – I am pretty sure that the first logical association made by the average Italian speaker is related to a childhood song: “Papaveri e Papere”, which literally means […]

RELAX: a meaning of a poppy

if you google the meaning of Poppy, you’ll have these two results: The first one regards the myth of Morpheus and, the second one is about relief Morpheus is known as the god of sleep: in Greek mythology he is […]

RELIEF: a meaning of a poppy

as I anticipated in episode 2 I will now talk about the second Google result for the meaning of Poppy   The story goes like this: Demeter, the goddess of the harvest and agriculture, regained her serenity after her daughter’s disappearance […]

SPECIAL BEINGS: a meaning of a poopy

there is a poppy, among all the species, that contains opium which is stored inside the poppy’s seed capsules. It’s necessary to cut the unripe capsule in order to get the opium from the inside because if it gets ripe, […]

NO GLOBAL: a meaning of a poppy

The poppy is a wildflower You can’t find it in a flower shop, and I hope you never will . You can’t buy it . it hasn’t been polluted by society, commercialised by mass production. . Lobotomised . The poppy […]

SIMPLE: a meaning of a poppy

The poppy is such a simple flower:   Its four taut and smooth petals would seem fragile Its red colour is so flat and unique Its stem – so straight and thin – is a bit hairy It doesn’t have […]

DEATH: a meaning of a poppy

How would you like to die? in my bed, without suffering maybe while I sleep, inebriated by that glass of wine I just had It might be fast and plain maybe I’d still be young. I wish I wouldn’t have to […]

RED: a meaning of a poppy

Red as the joy of drinking a glass of wine and the colour of roses and love Red as your cheeks after the orgasm and the colour of your lips after eating strawberries Red as the colour of the people […]

INK-ADDICTED: a meaning of a poppy

I’m pretty sure that, during childhood, you used to tear the petals off the poppy in order to reach its nucleus. That black star-shaped part could leave a stain on your t-shirt and inside your soul The coolest part was to […]

FEMALE: a meaning of a poppy

Did you ever observe a poppy from above? Didn’t you notice anything? does it remind you of something? NOTHING?!?!?! Where is your mischief? Where did you leave it? dear people, mischief is the spice of life, you can’t eat an […]

EVERYTHING: a meaning of a poppy

nothing of a poppy goes to waste just like with pigs   so, during spring, when you find poppies in a green field, and you pick them up, you can prepare a fresh salad and season it with lemon or, […]

PREJUDICE: a poppy’s meaning

There are 167 different species of poppies, but they once looked all the same to me… Damn prejudice! Instead of having regrets we should learn to . accept . because the world is full of mistakes some are made by […]

DETERMINATION: a poppy’s meaning

Highway, you stop in a rest area, it’s empty. There are just dead weeds, cement, heat and smog   BUT you can spot a shiny red poppy which was brave in hope and strong enough to break the asphalt   […]

CONTAGIOUS: a poppy’s meaning

when you see a poppy field, an infinite red carpet, you can just admire it smile and for a moment free your mind from all your thoughts   poppy’s positive character stays with you for a while   for sure […]